Virtual Winter STEM Camp 2020
Winter STEM Camp 2020 was a new adventure for Inspired by Science. It was a virtual self-paced camp and held December 12th-31st. We expanded our reach into other areas of Southeastern New Mexico by adding Lovington, Hobbs, Jal, Eunice, and Artesia to our service area. Camp kits that contained most of the necessary supplies were handed out to registered campers. We played with super-absorbent powder, water gel beads, special sand, and made a bubbling lava lamp, all while learning about hydrophobic substances, density, polymers, and gases.
Our Amazing Scientists at Work
There was a lot of creativity going on during camp! We received lots of great pictures of hard-working young scientists demonstrating their critical thinking skills while experimenting and completing the STEM Challenges.
Check out this cool slow motion video that was sent in by one of our campers. He built two different ways to launch confetti!